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Kimber / Firearm / Hand gun / Self defense / Home Defense / Home Defense Guns / Home Defense Rifles / New

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Kimber is the leading name in the industry for 1911 pistols - they produce more 1911s than any other company in the world. They're also known for high-quality classic hunting rifles, tactical rifles, and the best pepper devices on the market.

Home Defense Rifles

Action rifles such as the AR15 or AK-47 are ideal defensive tools. They are the easiest to shoot, have twice the capacity of a typical pistol, low recoil, and compact in size. The typical .223/5.56mm is also very advantageous for home defense because it is the least likely to over penetrate walls and other mediums. This is because they shoot very light bullets moving at very high velocities. Therefore, contact with any medium will cause them to tumble and rapidly lose energy unlike pistol bullets and buckshot pellets (which retain their energy and can penetrate several layers of wood and sheet rock). Read more...