Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1851 Navy Conversion Revolver 38 Special 7.5" Blued Barrel, Case Hardened Frame, Brass Trigger Guard/Backstrap Out of stock. Check back later... $636.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns Model 1873 Cattleman II Steel .357 Magnum 5.5" Barrel Case-hardened Frame, Steel Backstrap and Trigger Guard, Retractable Firing Pin Out of stock. Check back later... $618.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns Springfield Trapdoor Cartridge Carbine 45-70 22" Barrel, Blue Steel, Case Hardened Breechblock and Buttplate Out of stock. Check back later... $2,040.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1886 Sporting Rifle 45-70 25.5" Barrel, Blued Finish, Case Hardened Frame, A-Grade Checkered Walnut Stock, 8+1 Capacity Out of stock. Check back later... $2,184.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1873 Cattleman El Patrón NM Blue, Checkered Walnut Grip Out of stock. Check back later... $732.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns Bird's Head .357 Magnum 3.5" Barrel, Case-hardened Frame, Steel Backstrap and Trigger Guard Out of stock. Check back later... $624.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1873 Trapper Carbine 357 Magnum 16" Barrel, Blued Finish, Case Hardened Lever, A-Grade Walnut, 9 Rounds Out of stock. Check back later... $1,275.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns Bonney 1873 Single Action Cattleman New Model .357 Magnum, 6 Shot, Blued / Case Hardened Finish, 5.5" Barrel Out of stock. Check back later... $852.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1858 New Army Target Carbine .44 Caliber, 18" Blued Octagonal Barrel, Walnut Stock Out of stock. Check back later... $618.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1886 Hunter Lite Rifle 45-70 22" Barrel, Blued Finish, Case Hardened Frame, A-Grade Walnut Stock, 3+1 Capacity Out of stock. Check back later... $2,075.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1873 Cattleman Frisco 45 Colt 5.5" Barrel, Charcoal Blue Finish On Barrel/Cylinder, Case-Hardened Frame, Pearl Style Grips Out of stock. Check back later... $984.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1858 New Army Conversion 45 Colt 8" Barrel, Blue Steel Frame and Backstrap, Brass Trigger Guard Out of stock. Check back later... $675.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1873 Special Sporting Short Rifle 357 Mag, 20" Octagonal Blued Barrel, Case Hardened Receiver Butt Plate and Lever, 10+1 Capacity, Checkered Pistol Grip Stock and Forend Out of stock. Check back later... $1,395.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1873 Engraved 150th Anniversary Edition 45LC 20" Octagonal Blued Barrel, Case Hardened Engraved Receiver, A-Grade Walnut, 10 Rounds Out of stock. Check back later... $1,579.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1875 No. 3 Top Break .45 Colt 5" Barrel Blued Finish on Frame, Case-Hardened Trigger Guard Out of stock. Check back later... $1,272.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1873 Engraved 150th Anniversary Edition 357 Magnum 20" Octagonal Blued Barrel, Case Hardened Engraved Receiver, A-Grade Walnut, 10 Rounds Out of stock. Check back later... $1,579.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns 1873 Short Rifle 357 Mag, 20" Octagonal Barrel, Case Hardened Receiver Butt Plate and Lever, 10+1 Capacity Out of stock. Check back later... $1,295.00
Clay Shooting Competition Guns Hardin 1875 No. 3 Top Break 45 Colt 7" Barrel, Case-Hardened Frame, Blued Barrel/Cylinder Out of stock. Check back later... $1,655.00