Outers Deluxe Odorless Universal Cleaning Kit 31 Piece
Includes: latched aluminum storage case with handle in Realtree AP HD Camouflage, custom parts organizer, 3 steel 17-caliber rods, 3 solid brass rods for 30-caliber and larger rifles, pistols and shotguns, 6 bronze brushes to fit: 17-cal, 22-cal, 270-cal/7mm, 30-cal/8mm, 9mm/.38/.357, 10/12-gauge, 6 mops to fit: 17-cal, 22-cal, 270-cal/7mm, 30-cal/8mm, 9mm/.38/.357, 10/12-gauge, 4 Spear pointed jags to fit: .17-cal, .22/270-cal/7mm, .30-32-cal, 38-cal, 3 slotted patch loops to fit: 22-cal, 30-cal, 10/12-gauge, 3 utility brushes, 2 muzzle guards to fit: 17-cal, 22-cal, Odor Neutralizing Gun Cloth, Bore Clean Odorless Solvent 2-ounce bottle, Scent Out Odorless Gun Oil 2-ounce bottle and shotgun accessory adaptor.

This item may be shipped directly to your home address, unless you live in a restricted state.