Game Fair 2023 Gun Sale
Game Fair Gun Sale
Ends August 20th at 11:59 PM CT
Game Fair is a sporting event for the entire family. Held out-of-doors on 80 beautiful acres of woods and water, Game Fair has everything you need to celebrate the outdoors. This year's Game Fair will feature many favorite activities from years past as well as new exhibits, renovated grounds, and new dog events. You are invited to attend Game Fair to see, try-and-buy the latest in hunting equipment and to learn from a variety of expert sportsmen and sportswomen.
You can find us in our usual spot next to the shotgun field!
- Game Fair Gun Sale Details:
- Dates: August 10th to the 20th
- Code: GF2023
- Unlocks deep discounts at checkout for:
- $5 off your next order
- Game Fair Attendees Bonus
- Stop by the booth and get a $5 coupon
- Post a picture to Instagram from our booth and get a $20 gift card