Rossi RS22, Semi-automatic, 22LR, 18" Barrel, Brown, Synthetic Stock, 10Rd, Adjustable Sights RS22L1811B Available to order on-line. Ships in 5-14 days $146.82
Rossi RS22, Semi-automatic Rifle, 22LR, 18" Barrel, OD Green Finish, Synthetic Stock, 10Rd, Adjustable Fiber Optic Sights RS22L1811OD Available to order on-line. Ships in 5-14 days $162.09
Rossi RS32, Semi-automatic Rifle, 22LR, 18" Barrel, Black Finish, Synthetic Stock, 10Rd, Adjustable Fiber Optic Sights RS22L1811 Available to order on-line. Ships in 5-14 days $162.09
Rossi RS22, Semi-automatic Rifle, 22WMR, 21" Barrel, Matte Finish, Black, Wood Stock, 10 Rounds, 1 Magazine RS22W2111WD Available to order on-line. Ships in 5-14 days $376.00
Rossi RS22, Semi-automatic, 22LR, 18" Barrel, Brown Synthetic Stock, Crazy Uncle Jooe's AR-14, 1 of 2020, Adjustable Sights RS22-AR14B Out of stock. Check back later... $151.82
Rossi RS22, Semi-automatic Rifle, 22 WMR, 21" Barrel, Black Finish, Synthetic Stock, 10Rd RS22W2111 Out of stock. Check back later... $310.00
Rossi RS22, Semi-automatic, 22 LR, 18" Threaded Barrel, Black Color, Synthetic Stock, Adjustable Fiber Optic Sights, 10Rd RS22L1811-TH Out of stock. Check back later... $171.48
Rossi RS22, Semi-automatic Rifle, 22 WMR, 21" Threaded Barrel, Black, Synthetic Stock, 10 Round RS22W2111-TH Out of stock. Check back later... $316.00
Rossi RS22, Semi-automatic Rifle, 22LR, 18" Barrel, Matte Finish, Black, Wood Stock, 10 Rounds, 1 Magazine RS22L1811WD Out of stock. Check back later... $218.43